Перевод cherish с английского на русский

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In marriage, a man promises to cherish his wife.

Вступая в брак, мужчина дает обещание заботиться о своей жене. ☰

Although I cherish my children, I do allow them their independence.

Я очень забочусь о своих детях, но при этом не лишаю их независимости. ☰

I will always cherish that memory.

Я всегда буду дорожить теми воспоминаниями. ☰

He cherished his privacy.

Он дорожил своей частной жизнью. ☰

Opinions and beliefs which have been cherished among ourselves.

Убеждения и взгляды, которые мы лелеяли в нашем кругу. ☰

I cherish the memory of that day.

Я лелею воспоминания о том дне. ☰

I cherish my memories of the times that I went fishing with my pa.

С любовью вспоминаю те времена, когда мы с папой ходили на рыбалку. ☰

Rather than ostracizing them, the British seem to cherish their nutters.

Вместо того, чтобы подвергать своих психов остракизму, англичане как будто лелеют их и заботливо оберегают. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

cherish their official political freedom with fierce jealousy

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Перевод cherish с английского на русский

Cherish — «Cherish» Sencillo de Madonna del álbum Like a Prayer Formato CD casete 7 Single Grabación 1988 Género(s) Pop, Dance … Wikipedia Español

Cherish — may refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Film and television 3 See also … Wikipedia

Cherish — ist eine US amerikanische R B und Soul Band, die aus den Schwestern Farrah King, 23, Neosha King, 21, und den Zwillingen Felisha King, 19, und Fallon King, 19, besteht. Die vier Schwestern sind aus Atlanta, Georgia. Die Band steht bei den Labels… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Cherish — Cherish: Cherish (группа) американский R B и хип хоп квартет сестёр Кинг, выступает с 2003 года. Cherish (песня The Association) песня американской группы The Association. Cherish (песня Kool the Gang) песня американской соул… … Википедия

cherish — [cher′ish] vt. [ME cherischen < extended stem of OFr cherir < cher, dear < L carus: see CHARITY] 1. to hold dear; feel or show love for [to cherish one s family] 2. to take good care of; protect; foster [to cherish one s rights] 3. to… … English World dictionary

Cherish — f English: modern coinage, apparently an alteration of CHERYTH (SEE Cheryth) to match the vocabulary element cherish to treasure, care for (borrowed in the Middle Ages from Old French cherir, a derivative of cher dear) … First names dictionary

cherish — index foster, keep (shelter), nurture, preserve, protect, regard (hold in esteem) Burton s Legal Thes … Law dictionary

cherish — early 14c., cherischen, from O.Fr. cheriss , extended stem of chierir (12c., Mod.Fr. chérir) to hold dear, from chier dear, from L. carus dear, costly, beloved (see WHORE (Cf. whore)). Cf. It., Sp., Port. caro; O.Prov., Catalan car. Related … Etymology dictionary

cherish — 1 prize, treasure, value, *appreciate Analogous words: love, enjoy, *like: esteem, respect, regard (see under REGARD n): *revere, venerate, reverence: protect, *defend, shield, safeguard, guard Antonyms: neglect Contrasted words: ignore, overlook … New Dictionary of Synonyms

cherish — [v] care about deeply admire, adore, appreciate, apprize, care for, clasp, cleave to, cling to, coddle, comfort, cosset, cultivate, defend, dote on, embrace, encourage, enshrine, entertain, fancy, fondle, foster, guard, harbor, hold dear, hold in … New thesaurus


Перевод cherish с английского на русский

Cherish — «Cherish» Sencillo de Madonna del álbum Like a Prayer Formato CD casete 7 Single Grabación 1988 Género(s) Pop, Dance … Wikipedia Español

Cherish — may refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Film and television 3 See also … Wikipedia

Cherish — ist eine US amerikanische R B und Soul Band, die aus den Schwestern Farrah King, 23, Neosha King, 21, und den Zwillingen Felisha King, 19, und Fallon King, 19, besteht. Die vier Schwestern sind aus Atlanta, Georgia. Die Band steht bei den Labels… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Cherish — Cherish: Cherish (группа) американский R B и хип хоп квартет сестёр Кинг, выступает с 2003 года. Cherish (песня The Association) песня американской группы The Association. Cherish (песня Kool the Gang) песня американской соул… … Википедия

cherish — [cher′ish] vt. [ME cherischen < extended stem of OFr cherir < cher, dear < L carus: see CHARITY] 1. to hold dear; feel or show love for [to cherish one s family] 2. to take good care of; protect; foster [to cherish one s rights] 3. to… … English World dictionary

Cherish — f English: modern coinage, apparently an alteration of CHERYTH (SEE Cheryth) to match the vocabulary element cherish to treasure, care for (borrowed in the Middle Ages from Old French cherir, a derivative of cher dear) … First names dictionary

cherish — index foster, keep (shelter), nurture, preserve, protect, regard (hold in esteem) Burton s Legal Thes … Law dictionary

cherish — early 14c., cherischen, from O.Fr. cheriss , extended stem of chierir (12c., Mod.Fr. chérir) to hold dear, from chier dear, from L. carus dear, costly, beloved (see WHORE (Cf. whore)). Cf. It., Sp., Port. caro; O.Prov., Catalan car. Related … Etymology dictionary

cherish — 1 prize, treasure, value, *appreciate Analogous words: love, enjoy, *like: esteem, respect, regard (see under REGARD n): *revere, venerate, reverence: protect, *defend, shield, safeguard, guard Antonyms: neglect Contrasted words: ignore, overlook … New Dictionary of Synonyms

cherish — [v] care about deeply admire, adore, appreciate, apprize, care for, clasp, cleave to, cling to, coddle, comfort, cosset, cultivate, defend, dote on, embrace, encourage, enshrine, entertain, fancy, fondle, foster, guard, harbor, hold dear, hold in … New thesaurus


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