Парки великобритании на английском языке с переводом

Tourist attractions in Great Britain – Достопримечательности Великобритании

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликован рассказ про достопримечательности Великобритании. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык. Мы подготовили описание 10 достопримечательностей.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth. It is located near Green Park. When the Queen is in the residence, the Royal Standard flies over Buckingham Palace.

There are 775 rooms where members of the Royal family and their servants live. There are also rooms for guests. There are offices, on-site post and even swimming pool in the palace.

Throughout the year right in front of Buckingham Palace the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard takes place, attracting a lot of tourists.

Big Ben

Big Ben is the name of the Great bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster. Nowadays this name mostly refers to the clock and the clock tower.

In 2012 the tower was renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen and is now officially known as the Elizabeth Tower.

The height of the tower is 96,3 metres . Big Ben is one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom.


Westminster is a historical area of central London with several famous landmarks.

Westminster Abbey, a Gothic church, is located there. The church is a traditional place of coronation and burial site for all British kings and queens.

Not far from the church there is the Palace of Westminster which is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is located at the highest point of the City of London, Ludgate Hill. The Cathedral was seriously damaged during the Great Fire of London. It was redesigned by Christopher Wren, a famous architect.

There are three Galleries and 17 bells in the Cathedral. The largest bell is called Great Paul. The funerals of a lot of notable figures have occured at the cathedral.


Stonehenge is a well-known prehistoric monument which is located in Wiltshire, England. Huge standing stones which are 4,1 metres long and 2,1 metres wide make a ring.

The real purpose of this structure is still a subject of much controversy. It is believed that Stonehenge served as an ancient astronomical observatory.

Stonehenge is added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is a residence of the British monarchy. Windsor Castle is the largest residential castle in the world. A lot of official visits take place here. It is also open for tourists.

Windsor Castle is located on a hill and is surrounded with lush greenery.

The castle has been reconstructed a number of times but the location of its main buildings remains unchanged.

Richmond Park

Richmond Park is Great Britain’s second largest park and the largest of London’s royal parks. Richmond Park is a national reserve.

There are lots of ponds, trees and lawns in the park. The park is a home for deer and many other animals and birds.

The park is open for everyone. Those who visit the park can also admire a wonderful view of the city.

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle is an ancient fortress which is located right in the centre of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Castle is located on the Castle Rock, at the top of the Royal Mile.

The castle has a very good strategic position and can only be easily approached from one side. Nowadays, Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotland’s most popular tourist attractions.

Ben Nevis

Ben Nevis is a mountain in the Scottish Highlands. It is the highest mountain in the British Isles. Its height is 1,344 metres .

Ben Nevis is a very popular tourist destination. The mountain is also of great interest to experienced climbers.

The summit of the mountain is a big plateau with an observatory, shelter and war memorial.

The Globe Theatre

The Globe Theatre was built in 1599 by Shakespeare’s playing company. The modern theatre was opened in 1997 and represents a replica of the old theatre.

The Globe is an open-air theatre. There are three storeys in the building.

The stage is right in the middle of the theatre. Next to the stage there is an area where people can watch a performance whilst standing. Seats are located on three levels around the yard.

Достопримечательности Великобритании

Букингемский дворец

Букингемский дворец – официальная резиденция королевы Елизаветы. Он находится рядом с Грин-парком. Когда королева внутри, над Букингемским дворцом развевается королевский штандарт.

В нем 775 комнат, где живут члены королевской семьи и их прислуга. Там также есть комнаты для гостей. Во дворце есть офисы, внутренняя почта и даже бассейн.

В течение всего года перед Букингемским дворцом проходит церемония смены караула, привлекающая множество туристов.


Биг-Бен – это название большого колокола на часах Вестминстерского дворца. Сегодня это название, в основном, относится к часам и часовой башне.

В 2012 году башня была переименована в честь празднования бриллиантового юбилея королевы и сейчас официально известна как башня Елизаветы.

Высота башни – 96,3 метра . Биг-Бен является одним из самых знаменитых символов Соединенного Королевства.


Вестминстер – исторический район в центре Лондона, где расположены несколько известных достопримечательностей.

Здесь находится Вестминстерское аббатство – готическая церковь. Церковь является традиционным местом коронации и захоронения всех британских королей и королев.

Недалеко от церкви находится Вестминстерский дворец, где проводят свои заседания Палата общин и Палата лордов.

Собор Святого Павла

Собор Святого Павла находится на самой высокой точке Лондона, Ладгейт Хилл. Во время Великого пожара в Лондоне собор очень сильно пострадал. Он был реконструирован Кристофером Реном, знаменитым архитектором.

В нем есть 3 галереи и 17 колоколов. Самый большой колокол называется Большой Пол. В соборе проходили похороны многих знаменитых личностей.


Стоунхендж – знаменитый древний памятник, расположенный в графстве Уилтшир, Англия. Огромные камни высотой 4,1 м и шириной 2,1 м образуют круг.

Споры о предназначении этого сооружения не утихают до сих пор. Предполагается, что Стоунхендж использовали, как древнюю обсерваторию.

Стоунхендж включен в список Всемирного Наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Виндзорский замок

Виндзорский замок – резиденция Британской монархии. Виндзорский замок является крупнейшим жилым замком в мире. В нем проходят многие официальные визиты. Замок также могут посещать туристы.

Виндзорский замок расположен на возвышенности и окружен пышной растительностью.

Замок неоднократно перестраивался, но местоположение основных зданий остается неизменным.


Ричмонд-парк – второй крупнейший парк Великобритании и самый большой из королевских парков Лондона. Ричмонд-парк является национальным заповедником.

В парке есть много прудов, деревьев и лужаек. В парке живут олени, а также многие другие животные и птицы.

Парк открыт для всех. Посетители парка могут полюбоваться красивым видом на город.

Эдинбургский замок

Эдинбургский замок – это древняя крепость, расположенная прямо в центре Эдинбурга.

Эдинбургский замок находится на Замковой скале, прямо в конце Королевской Мили.

Замок занимает очень хорошее стратегическое положение, и подобраться к нему можно только с одной стороны. Сегодня Эдинбургский замок является одной из самых популярных туристических достопримечательностей Шотландии.


Бен-Невис – гора в Шотландском высокогорье. Это самая высокая гора Британских островов. Ее высота составляет 1,344 метра .

Бен-Невис – это очень популярный туристический маршрут. Гора также представляет большой интерес и для опытных альпинистов.

Вершина горы представляет собой большое плато с обсерваторией, убежищем и военным мемориалом.

Театр «Глобус»

Театр «Глобус» был построен в 1599 году группой актеров Шекспира. Современный театр был открыт в 1997 году и представляет собой копию старого театра.

«Глобус» – театр под открытым небом. Само здание является трехэтажным.

Сцена находится прямо в середине театра. Рядом со сценой есть место, где зрители смотрят представление стоя. Места расположены на трех уровнях вокруг внутреннего двора.


Топик «Best parks of London.»

London is famous not only for its tourist attractions like Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and others, but for beautiful and stunning parks as well. There are many park areas in London, each of which is loved both by citizens and toursits.

Green Park is the smallest of capital’s eight Royal Parks. It has a triangle shape and it is situated next to Buckingham Palace. Originally the park was opened as a hunting ground by Charles II. Only in 1826 Green Park became available to public.

Nowadays Green Park attracts hundreds of people every day who come there to have picnics on grass, to lounge on alluring deсkchairs or to walk around, delighting the atmosphere and nature.

Hyde Park – is also one of the Royal Parks but it is considered to be one of the largest ones and certainly the most famous. This park used to be a hunting area as well. Henry VIII appropriated this land from monks of Westminster Abbey for hunting deer. Even when it was open to the public, the park was visitied exclusively by the upper class.

Now the park is a place of great interest not only bacause of its beauty but also of the oldest boat lake, Serpantine, that is located in the Hyde Park. It is possible to see ducks, swans and some other animals there. In addition Serpantine still remains the place where defferent demonstrations take place.

It goes without saying that there are also many other amazing parks in London which are worth visiting, such as: St. James Park in Central London, Regent’s Park (North London), Greenwich (South London).


Лондон знаменит не только своими достопримечательностями, такими как: Биг Бен, Вестминстерское Аббатство, Букингемский Дворец; но также красивыми и великолепными парками. В Лондоне есть множество парковых зон, каждая из которых любима как самими жителями города, так и туристами.

Грин-Парк – самый маленький из Королевских парков столицы. Он имеет треугольную форму и находится рядом с Букингемским Дворцом. Изначально парк был открыт Чарльзом II, как место охоты. Лишь в 1826г. Грин-Парк стал доступен общественности.

В настоящее время Грин-Парк ежедневно привлекает сотни людей, которые приходят туда на пикник на траве, чтобы отдохнуть на манящих лежаках или прогуляться по территории парка, наслаждаясь его атмосферой и природой.

Гайд-Парк также относится к числу Королевских и считается одним из самых крупных парков и, конечно же, самых известных. Этот парк также раньше был местом охоты. Генри VIII присвоил эту землю у монахов Вестминстерского аббатства, чтобы охотиться на оленей. Даже когда парк был открыт для людей, его посещали лишь представители высших классов.

Теперь Гайд-Парк представляет огромный интерес не только по причине своей красоты, но и благодаря находящемуся в нем Серпантину – самому старому озеру. Там вы можете увидеть уток, лебедей и некоторых других животных. Кроме того, Серпантин был и остается местом проведения различных демонстраций.

Совершенно очевидно, что в Лондоне есть и другие удивительные парки, которые стоит посетить. К ним относятся, например, Сент-Джеймс Парк в Центральном Лондоне, Риджентс-Парк на севере и Гринвичский парк на юге Лондона.

Полезные фразы по теме:

To be famous for… — быть известным/знаменитым чем-либо/благодаря чему-либо

Park area – парковая зона

Hunting ground – охотничье угодье, район охоты

To lounge – отдыхать; сидеть, откинувшись, в кресле

Deckchair – лежак, шезлонг

To appropriate land — присвоить землю

To be worth doing smth – стоит что-то сделать («это стоит того»)


London Parks / Парки Лондона — Топик

London has more parkland than almost any other world capital. The Royal Parks belong to the monarch but are opened to the public during daylight hours. Besides these there are many smaller local parks, playgrounds and public gardens around London. The Royal Parks were first used as private royal hunting forests. When they were opened to the public they became fashionable areas to be seen. They were also popular places to hold duels at dawn.

Today the Parks are looked after by hundreds of workers, who tend the gardens and keep the parks clean daily. There are regular police patrols, too, and there is a special police station in the middle of Hyde Park. There is a variety of wildlife in all the Royal Parks, especially birdlife, which changes with the seasons. There are usually lots of different kinds of duck around the ponds and lakes, and you may see grey squirrels or hedgehogs.

Saint James’s Park and Green Park St.

James’s Park and Green Park lie close together, with Buckingham Palace between them. Alongside St. James’s Park runs Pall Mall. Its name comes from an old French type of croquet called paille maille. Charles the Second used to have a paille maille alley nearby.

Park Sights

Saint James’s Park is famous for the variety of ducks, geese and other birds, which live on its lake, including pelicans. On the north bank there are picture tiles to help you identify the different species. Some are very tame and will eat crumbs from your hand.

Beside Green Park, in Piccadilly, you can see a fardel rest, a high bench set into the pavement. It was made for Victorian porters to rest their bundles on.

Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens

Hyde Park was once part of a wild and ancient forest, in habited by wolves, wild bulls and boar. It was fenced off as a royal deer park in Tudor times, and later opened to the public. Kensington Gardens shares the Serpentine Lake with Hyde Park. The part in Kensington Gardens is called The Long Water.

Things to see and do

There is a tradition to swim in the Serpentine on Christmas Day, however icy the water. At other times you can hire rowing boats. The Round Pond in Kensington Gardens is good for sailing model boats. Apsley House. Hyde Park Corner is at the eastern entrance to Hyde Park. In the centre is a triumphal arch dedicated to the Duke of Wellington, who led the British at the Battle of Waterloo. Nearby is his old home, Apsley House, now a Wellington museum.

Peter Pan. By The Long Water there is a bronze statue of Peter Pan. Around its base are fairies, fieldmice and rabbits. In the Kensington playground there is an old treestump called the Elfin Oak, carved with elves and fairies climbing up it.

Kensington Palace Gardens.

Several members of today’s royal family have apartments at Kensington Palace, in Kensington Gardens. You can walk around the Palace Gardens and visit the State Apartments. There is also an exhibition of uniforms and dresses once worn at Court.

Park Events

In November the London to Brighton Car Run starts from Hyde Park. On royal birthdays gun salutes are fired in Hyde Park. Every weekend afternoon you can listen to people making speeches at Speakers’ Corner, in Hyde Park. Anyone has the right to speak here.

Regent’s Park

Regent’s Park was originally a royal hunting forest. It was landscapes by John Nash in the 1820s for the Prince Regent (later George the Fourth). He surrounded it with elegant terraced houses, which you can still see today. The Park is the home of London Zoo.

Around the Park.

Inside the Park’s Inner Circle is the Queen Mary Rose Garden, full of carefully-tended flower borders and wall roses. Near Regent’s Park is Primrose Hill, once a thieves’ hideout. From the top there is a good view of London. In summer plays are staged at the open-air theatre in the park, and brass bands sometimes play on the bandstand. You can hire boats on the lake in the Park. On one of its islands there is a heronry, where herons live and breed. In the early 1800s canals were built to link the London docks with

other parts of the country. Regent’s Canal is one of these. It runs through part of Regent’s Park, and has been restored so you can walk along it and take narrow-boat trips between Camden Lock and Little Venice. At Camden Lock there are working lock gates and craft work shops in old canal-side warehouses. Every May there is a canal procession of decorated barges. The best place to see it is at Little Venice.

London Zoo

London Zoo was opened in 1827 by the Zoological Society of London. The first enclosures were built to reflect the places the animals came from. African animals were kept in grass huts and goats lived in a Swiss-style chalet, for instance.

Today there are more than 8000 animals in the Zoo. Some are very rare, such as the giant Panda, so are encouraged to breed and are studied by conservationists. Many of the animals were born in the Zoo, or in other zoos around the world. You can adopt an animal at London Zoo for a year. The cost depends on the animal you choose, and is based on the amount of food it eats in a year. Your name goes on a plaque near the animal’s cage.

The elephants and rhinos have the biggest appetite in the Zoo. An elephant’s daily diet consists of hay, grass pellets, linseed cake, cabbage, carrots, apples, potatoes, dates, bread, salt, vitamins and minerals, washed down with 100 litres of water.

Zoo Sights

You can walk through the Snowdon Aviary, where about 150 different species of bird live. They have lots of room to fly freely around inside, and there are cliff-faces, water, trees and bushes to simulate different kinds of bird habitat.

In the Moonlight World you can see nocturnal creatures, who sleepduring daylight hours and wake up when it is dark. In this building day and night are reversed by artificial light, so that visitors can see the animals awake in the daytime. In the Children’s Zoo there are all kinds of pets and farm animals, too, such as sheep, miniature pigs and cows. At 3 o’clock each afternoon you can see the cows being milked. The milk is used to feed some of the other Zoo animals.

In summer a baby elephant walks round the Zoo with its keeper, and you can also see the «elephant’s workout» at the Elephant House. One of the baby elephants goes some of its training exercises, and you can help to we

ight it. Every day you can watch animals being fed, for instance penguins, snakes, lions and seals. Around the Zoo there are trays of exhibits you can touch, for instance, you might be able to handle a crocodile skin or a snake skeleton.

In summer you can have a ride on a pony, donkey or camel, or in a cart pulled by a South American llama. You can meet some of the small animals and their keepers in a summer afternoon show in the Zoo’s Hummingbird Amphitheatre.

More London Parks and Open Spaces

There are lots of other parks and open spaces around London. Many of them have sports areas and playgrounds, and hold annual fairs and festivals. A few are listed below.

Alexandra Park: Lake, padding pool, adventure playground and animal enclosure.

Battersea Park: Play area and pets’ corner. Lots of events, including Easter and May Day celebrations with carnival processions.

Blackheath: A fair in summer and a kite display every Easter.

Clapham Common: Ponds, a playground and a bandstand. The Greater London Horse Show is held every August, with all kind of horse events and traditional craft displays.

Crystal Palace Park: A boating lake, summer children’s zoo, Sunday concerts and giant models of dinosaurs.

Hampstead Heath: A huge heath with ponds, some for swimming. A big funfair held every summer.

Holland Park: Set in the grounds of a historic house, with an open-air theatre and a playpark.

Wimbledon Common: Large heath, with a pond, ancient earthworks and a windmill.

City farms: There are several around London, set up to show people how a farm runs. You can visit them to see the animals, and sometimes help in the farm work.

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