Панч перевод с английского

Punch — перевод, произношение, транскрипция

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глагол ↓


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He punched me in the face.

Он ударил меня кулаком в лицо. ☰

He punched me in the stomach

Он ударил меня в живот ☰

The tool punches holes in paper.

Этот инструмент пробивает отверстия в бумаге. ☰

Punch him in the kisser.

Ударь его по губам. ☰

I dropped him with a single punch.

Я повалил его одним ударом. ☰

She punched him on the chin.

Она ударил его в подбородок. ☰

What time do the workers punch out on Fridays?

Когда рабочие заканчивают работу в пятницу? ☰

The first punch fell on his nose.

Первый удар пришёлся ему в нос. ☰

He floored me with his first punch.

Он сбил меня с ног /поверг меня на землю/ с первого же удара. ☰

Make sure that all the nails are punched in so that the floor is smooth.

Проверь, чтобы все гвозди были забиты и что пол гладкий. ☰

The railway official punched a hole out of my ticket.

Контролёр проколол дырку в моём билете. ☰

He’s as pleased as punch about the baby.

Он несказанно рад рождению ребёнка. ☰

the punch line of a joke

изюминка /самая смешная часть/ анекдота ☰

All the ladies brought pies and cakes. Plus they had coffee and tea and punch.

Все дамы принесли пироги и торты. Плюс к тому, там были кофе, чай и пунш. ☰

A punch bowl of Bow china.

Кубок для пунша из боуского фарфора. ☰

I wanted to punch him on the nose.

Мне захотелось ударить его в нос. ☰

He knocked him down with one punch.

Он сбил его с ног одним ударом. ☰

Don’t forget to punch your time card on your way out.

При выходе не забывайте пробивать табель учёта времени. ☰

This school paper comes provided with holes already punched in it.

Эта бумага для школьников поступает в продажу уже с дырками. ☰

He managed to ride the punch.

Ему удалось уклониться, смягчив удар. ☰

They laced the punch with rum.

Они добавляли ром в пунш. ☰

Someone spiked the punch at the party.

Кто-то развёл пунш на вечеринке. ☰

If you can’t pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.

Если гвоздь не вытаскивается за шляпку, подбей его с другой стороны доски. ☰

The punch caught him right in the face.

Удар попал ему прямо в лицо. ☰

A broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch.

Баба — это женщина, которая может хорошенько врезать. ☰

If you say that again, I’ll punch you in the nose!

Если ты еще раз это скажешь, я тебе в нос дам! ☰

He punched Jack in the face.

Он ударил Джека кулаком в лицо. ☰

He threw a hard punch to my midsection.

Он нанес тяжелый удар по моему животу. ☰

He upended his opponent with a single punch.

Он сбил противника с ног одним ударом. ☰

He up-ended his opponent with a single punch.

Он сбил противника с ног одним ударом. ☰

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Swedish punch

He decked him with one punch.

the nail punched through the wall

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Панч перевод с английского

Punch — can refer to:Tools* Punch (metalworking), a tool used to create an impression in a metal * Punch (numismatics), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing coins * Punch (typography), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing… … Wikipedia

Punch — /punch/, n. 1. the chief male character in a Punch and Judy show. 2. pleased as Punch, highly pleased; delighted: They were pleased as Punch at having been asked to come along. [short for PUNCHINELLO] * * * I English illustrated periodical… … Universalium

punch — punch1 [punch] n. [prob. < var. of ponchon: see PUNCHEON1] 1. a) a tool driven or pressed against a surface that is to be stamped, pierced, etc. b) a tool driven against a nail, bolt, etc. that is to be worked in, or against a pin that is to… … English World dictionary

Punch — Punch, n. [Hind. p[=a]nch five, Skr. pa?can. So called because composed of five ingredients, viz., sugar, arrack, spice, water, and lemon juice. See .] A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Punch — Punch, n. [Abbrev. fr. puncheon.] 1. A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

punch — Ⅰ. punch [1] ► VERB 1) strike with the fist. 2) press (a button or key on a machine). 3) N. Amer. drive (cattle) by prodding them with a stick. ► NOUN 1) a blow with the fist. 2) informal … English terms dictionary

punch up — ˌpunch ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they punch up he/she/it punches up present participle punching up past tense … Useful english dictionary

Punch — Punch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] [From , n., a tool; cf. F. poin[,c]onner.] To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow; as, to punch a hole; to punch ticket. [1913 Webster]

Punch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Punch puede referirse a: Punch y Judy, títeres tradicionales ingleses Punch (revista) Obtenido de Punch Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español

punch|y — «PUHN chee», adjective, punch|i|er, punch|i|est. Informal. 1. having lots of punch; forceful; terse; hard hitting: » … Useful english dictionary

Punch — Punch, n. [Prov. E. Cf. .] 1. A short, fat fellow; anything short and thick. [1913 Webster] I . . . did hear them call their fat child punch, which pleased me mightily, that word being become a word of common use for all that is thick and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


Панч перевод с английского

Punch — can refer to:Tools* Punch (metalworking), a tool used to create an impression in a metal * Punch (numismatics), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing coins * Punch (typography), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing… … Wikipedia

Punch — /punch/, n. 1. the chief male character in a Punch and Judy show. 2. pleased as Punch, highly pleased; delighted: They were pleased as Punch at having been asked to come along. [short for PUNCHINELLO] * * * I English illustrated periodical… … Universalium

punch — punch1 [punch] n. [prob. < var. of ponchon: see PUNCHEON1] 1. a) a tool driven or pressed against a surface that is to be stamped, pierced, etc. b) a tool driven against a nail, bolt, etc. that is to be worked in, or against a pin that is to… … English World dictionary

Punch — Punch, n. [Hind. p[=a]nch five, Skr. pa?can. So called because composed of five ingredients, viz., sugar, arrack, spice, water, and lemon juice. See .] A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Punch — Punch, n. [Abbrev. fr. puncheon.] 1. A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

punch — Ⅰ. punch [1] ► VERB 1) strike with the fist. 2) press (a button or key on a machine). 3) N. Amer. drive (cattle) by prodding them with a stick. ► NOUN 1) a blow with the fist. 2) informal … English terms dictionary

punch up — ˌpunch ˈup [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they punch up he/she/it punches up present participle punching up past tense … Useful english dictionary

Punch — Punch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. ; p. pr. & vb. n. .] [From , n., a tool; cf. F. poin[,c]onner.] To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow; as, to punch a hole; to punch ticket. [1913 Webster]

Punch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Punch puede referirse a: Punch y Judy, títeres tradicionales ingleses Punch (revista) Obtenido de Punch Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español

punch|y — «PUHN chee», adjective, punch|i|er, punch|i|est. Informal. 1. having lots of punch; forceful; terse; hard hitting: » … Useful english dictionary

Punch — Punch, n. [Prov. E. Cf. .] 1. A short, fat fellow; anything short and thick. [1913 Webster] I . . . did hear them call their fat child punch, which pleased me mightily, that word being become a word of common use for all that is thick and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


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